Wednesday, 2 November 2016

How does training develop valuable life skills?

In this article I'm going to present a comparison between the struggles that you'll face in your training sessions and how training should help you to prepare for the real world struggles that we all have to overcome each day. 

I have seen thousands of people come and go from many gyms/studios each week for the last 17 years and the contrast of people from all walks of life. Being in this environment has provided me with a unique perspective on both life, fitness and motivation that I may not have been subject to seeing in a regular 9-5 job.

The gym for me is a place where all of life's worries and concerns should be left at the door. The one thing that every person who steps through that door to train, regardless of their social status, race, wealth or lack thereof have in common is that we all want to be better versions of ourselves. Perhaps we may not all follow the same path or agree on what better is however, personal improvement is the objective when stepping into a wellness centre, gym, athletics club, swimming pool, sports club etc...

Why else would we come into an environment that causes physical hardship towards us and keep coming back week in, week out with no immediate results? 

The gym breeds the foundational values, beliefs and self-confidence required to be successful in every other aspect of life by teaching us about delayed gratification.

A great example of this is, when you are struggling to complete a set on a given exercise (the exact exercise isn't relevant) and you have 3 reps to complete the total set of 10 reps. You may manage to squeeze out 7 reps. At this point your mind is telling you to quit however, if you ignore this brain signal which is a mechanism for self preservation, continue to stick to the desired repetitions and succeed in achieving your goal, this is where you develop as a person both physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually!!! 

You get your mind in gear, focus your breathing, brace and grind with the weight for the last 3 reps. You simply "refuse to lose!" It takes a certain type of mind set and personality trait to grind through the toughest part of the set.

So, how does this relate to life outside of the gym?

In life you are going to be faced with challenges. It's inevitable! You are going to have to look within yourself and dig deep and have the same type of mind set we use to grind out the last few reps, to find that reason to carry on, even when you may want to just give up! Anything in life worth achieving is usually a challenge to come by and will require work, dedication, consistency and a can do attitude.

This is true of relationships, friendships, business, personal goals and even being a parent. 

"Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone." - Neale Donald Walsch

You must find a process (that's specific to you) to help you achieve what you want. When the steps of your process are followed in the correct order, your goals are achievable. If there is a link in the chain missing you may not achieve the outcome that you desired. 

I hope that you enjoyed this short article and have taken some positive information from it along with a little motivation to keep pushing through when you feel like giving up. 

Stay strong, be consistent, don't quit and success will be closer than you expect.



  1. I whole heartedly agree. Great blog BC! Nina

    1. Thank you Nina. The comment is much appreciated. BC
