Monday, 26 December 2022

Resolutions- How to stay on track


Setting your resolutions for new year is the easy part but staying on the right path to achieve them is slightly more challenging. I want to share with you an easy technique that will almost guarantee success in whatever you goals are.

This technique can be applied to almost every aspect of life from training to nutrition, business, friends and family. The technique is so simple that it almost doesn't seem worth talking about at first glance but if you read this article the whole way through, you'll see that it is worth your investment of time.

Staying on track

Take care of the day, don't look too far ahead at your end goal. Now this seems a very simplistic approach to achieving your goals and aspirations but it is very relevant. Most people will be so fixated on their long term goals that they don't look after today. In order to achieve your goals you will need to set yourself micro goals. Micro goals are daily tasks that you will need to complete in order to keep you moving forwards.

An example of this from a nutrition perspective is to concentrate on each individual meal. Yes, you have a certain number of calories and percentage of macros to achieve each day but the end figure is a result of each individual meal being on the right track.

A second example of taking care of the day from a business perspective is to know what individual tasks you need to do today that will help you to achieve your long term goals and success. It is no good concentrating on your long or medium term goals if you haven't addressed the tasks that need to be done today in order to get you to your medium and long term goals.

A third and final example from a family perspective is to make time in your schedule to do things together each day. If you have children and you are reading this then please don't miss the daily opportunities that are right in front of you slip away without enjoying them. You will already know that your children grow up so fast and before you know it they wont be dependant on you anymore. Nothing is as important as your relationships with each other because after all, life isn't all about how much money you earn (although money is relevant in this day and age), or the latest gadgets or designer clothes (which are a nice luxury but they aren't a necessity), it's about having a positive impact on the people that you really care about, it's about giving to others without the expectation of receiving anything back in return and its about showing your love for the people in your life that mean the most to you every single day.


In summary, you should create a list of daily tasks to complete that will help you to achieve your long and medium term goals. If you work on today, tomorrow will be a little brighter, you'll never lose momentum and you'll stay on track to not only achieve your goals but to surpass them. Make sure that you the take time to spend with the people who you care for the most each day.

Until next time, look after the day and each other.


Sunday, 4 December 2022

Get through Christmas without feeling like you've blown your diet & training


During the Christmas period many people that are health conscious, exercise regularly and pay attention to their dietary requirements worry about what they are going to do on Christmas day itself. Some questions that you may find yourself asking are;

Am I going to blow all of the hard work that I've put in over the year on Christmas day by not sticking to my diet? 

Is my body fat or physique going to change for the worse by not sticking to my diet on Christmas day? 

What things can I do on Christmas day that will help me to counteract some of the bad food that I will inevitably eat?

Tip Number 1- Relax

On Christmas day the best thing that you can do is to just enjoy the day for what it is. Christmas day is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. If you don't eat perfectly on this one particular day, it is not going to negatively affect all of the hard work that you have put in over the last year.

Instead, focus on enjoying the little time you have with the people that you care about most. You will be able to resume your diet on Boxing Day or the day after and you will quickly realise, that there was no need to worry in the first place.

Planning for days like this is part of a healthy lifestyle. I would however recommend, that in the week leading up to Christmas that you are particularly clean with your diet in order to counteract the bad foods that you will inevitably eat on the day, which is fine by the way.

Tip 2 - Don't be inactive

Instead of lounging around in the morning, once you have exchanged gifts with your family and friends, take the children over to a park for them and you to burn off some energy, go for a bike ride on that new bike that you may have gotten, you could take the dog for a walk, or you could follow a local trail for gentle morning stroll. Just try to keep active (it doesn't need to be intense)as this will help to reduce snacking between meals. If you aren't at home in front of temptation you won't be tempted. Another plus for being active is that you can counterbalance some of the excess calories before you eat or drink them.

Tip 3 -Go easy on alcohol

Whilst we may enjoy a drink at this festive time of year, try not to go mad with alcohol on Christmas day. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a drink or two or even three over the period of the day but I would recommend that you don't go overboard. Remebmer that balance is a key factor in living a healthy and happy life.

It works both ways, you don't want to live a life that involves you getting completely drunk, eating processed unhealthy foods every day and you don't want to completely abstain from ever eating anything that isn't good for you as this would make life boring and is an unrealistic expectation.


These three tips should help to put your mind at ease as we are heading into the last few weeks before Christmas. Keep thing's clean with your diet these coming weeks and then enjoy your time with friends, family and loved ones this Christmas. 

Do some gentle exercise even if it's just going for a stroll in the morning and don't go over the top with alcohol.

I hope that all of my readers have an amazing Christmas this year and I look forward to writing my next blog after the big day.

Stay strong, be happy and have fun.